The Big Smile (TBSF) is a Nigerian-based NGO, registered with the cooperate Affairs Commission Nigeria, with a certified SCUML. TBSF are governed by a Board of Trustees (Board). The Board comprises of 5 members chaired by the Chairman. The Strategic and operational leadership of the organisation is managed by our Executive Director.
We have experience and technical staff providing assistance in the thematic areas of child protection, GBV, education, mine action, and climate action. The program’s work is supported by volunteers and interns.
The Board meets four times a year and is responsible for governance, establishing the organisation’s strategic framework, annual objectives, and budget. The trustees are directors of the organisation for the purposes of company law and, in line with that responsibility, oversee financial reporting and ensure that proper financial statements are made for each financial year to give a true and fair view of the organisation’s financial activities and its financial position at the year-end.
The Executive Director is accountable to the Board for all the organisation’s work, and the other Management team report to the Executive Director. The Executive Team reports to the Board on the organisation’s work, activities and finances, presenting progress in relation to the budget, annual objectives and strategic framework.
Board of Trustees
The Board may consist of three to 15 members. We are open to both members from many background, to reflect the diversity of the organisation’s work. New trustees are elected by the Board following a competitive recruitment process and serve for a period of three years. Trustees may be re-elected for one further term of three years. On appointment, new trustees receive a full induction on their responsibilities. The process includes both a pack of relevant documentation and a series of meetings with senior and middle management.